Compliments can take you Everywhere

Be nice. Be persistent. Excel in both of these things at once and the world can open up to you with endless possibilities.  

In a world where many people seem concerned with their feelings, it literally pays to be nice. How many times have you heard the expression, "I'm not feeling it." or "He's in his feelings?" Self love and self care are important but when your audience enters the arena in which you are about to perform they want to be entertained, distracted if for only a brief moment form their cares and worries. They want to feel good and have fun. As a professional you have likely invested many hours and more than a few expenses in your look, your show, your very presence. It can be a challenge to remember that your are here for your audience and not the other way around. Be nice. You cannot use too many sincere compliments. I often joke that beautiful women exist on a daily diet of air and compliments. Imagine how incredible it must feel for a person not used to the attention of a beautiful lady to hear flattering words, to get a smile while maintaining eye contact, to feel real connection. This is the secret for lifelong fans. When people know you care they start to respond differently to your very presence. 

There are those who would scoff at the very notion of kindness and understanding. You likely have heard the following lines spoken in contempt. "He wasted my time." "Why are they here if they aren't going to buy something?" "These people don't have any money." or "They have money but they aren't spending it." And while on the surface your assessment may even be correct, your future income potential is always unlimited when you don't write people off as being "not worth your time." Every person who comes to see your show presents an opportunity to cultivate a new fan.

When you glimpse something your admire, desire or simply want very badly, you start to think creatively about how to achieve your goal. This is exactly how you want your audience to desire you. Properly motivated, your audience will eventually be your greatest source of adoration, income potential and appreciation. So be nice. A person down on their luck in one moment will remember an act of kindness and is far more likely to be returning to support you in the future.

Not everyone you encounter will however, be as charming as your are. Creativity is key in remaining complimentary. Play with your words, have some fun. Get creative. Make a game of it and practice on your friends. Being rude, mean or obnoxious won't make you an extra dollar but being charming, witty and able to tell other people about their own greatness will lead to greater prosperity for your own future and theirs.


Be Daring. Be Bold. Be YOU.


You can't be GREAT without a little hate